Walnut Studios is a 24-unit, 100% affordable workforce housing project on a narrow 70 ft x 150 ft infill lot in San Carlos, CA, bringing much needed affordable housing to the Bay Area Mid-Peninsula.
All units are studio apartments and their modest area is offset by large bay windows with distant views to the mountains, San Francisco Bay, and proximity to light rail and an abundance of retail along the city’s historic main street one block away.
Key features include an outdoor roof terrace adjacent to the communal laundry room with expansive views of the foothills to the south and a 16-space automatic “puzzle lift” parking stacker with four time the capacity of a similar sized surface lot, leaving more room for ground floor resident amenities. The primary elevations are activated by a playful arrangement of lap-siding-clad bay windows, floor-to ceiling glazing at the lobby, and trellises along the entry walk and at the roof terrace that provide scale and texture to integrate the project –one of the tallest in the city—into the surrounding lower density neighborhood.
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