The Iris at San Ysidro provides 100 units of affordable rental units within a short walk to transit, schools, and community parks in the San Ysidro neighborhood of San Diego. A single four-story building wraps around a central courtyard with community meeting spaces and a protected pay space for young children. The tax credit financed project targets very low-income residents and includes units for permanent supportive housing (PSH). The project site aligns along the MTS Trolley line and fronts onto Dairy Mart Road to the West.
The design responds to the setting and to the pace of movement at its edges. The long Trolley facing frontage transitions through a color change that rewards a moving viewer perspective. Elements of this color palette are sprinkled through the project. Meant to be appreciated at a pedestrian pace, the western façade overlooking Dairy Mart Road and the community park across the street, is enlivened with a varying color panels on projecting balconies.
Completion date: Early 2025